Permutation tests in genome-wide asscociation studies

24 Oct 2015

A contentious theme in conducting whole genome linkage or association studies is the assessment of statistical significance [Curtis, 1996; Lander and Kruglyak, 1995; Storey and Tibshirani, 2003; Witte et al., 1996]. On the one hand, the rate of false positives needs to be controlled due to the inherently multiple testing nature of whole genome linkage and association analyses. On the other hand, whole genome linkage and association signals are expected to be small and are therefore easily overlooked (false negatives). A simple Bonferroni correction, for example, is too conservative if multiple tests are not independent. As map density increases, the number of tests goes to infinity and a Bonferroni correction is not appropriate. In addition, experimental factors that influence the amount of information extracted from the data set such as pedigree structure, the completeness and accuracy of genotype data, and marker density are expected to have substantial effects, both on the power of a study to detect true effects and on the significance of any finding. Several alternatives have been developed to determine the statistical significance of whole genome linkage or association results. These methods include locus counting methods [Wiltshire et al., 2002], Monte Carlo procedures [Lin and Zou, 2004], false discovery rates [Benjamini and Hochberg, 1995], bootstrap methods [Efron, 1979], and simulation procedures [Cheverud, 2001]. Although these methods are elegant and computationally efficient, they are often dependent on certain model assumptions and cannot incorporate experimental-specific characteristics (such as the pattern of missing data, genetic informativeness, multivariate traits, and structure of the pedigree) all of which can influence the distribution of the test statistics. Therefore, it is commonly agreed that accurate estimates of genome-wide statistical significance are best obtained empirically through permutation tests that condition on the observed data [Churchill and Doerge, 1994; Douglas et al., 2000; Gordon et al., 2000; Hirschhorn et al., 2001; Ott, 1999; Sawcer et al., 1997].

Permutation testing is often described as the gold-standard for determining statistical significance when performing multiple correlated tests for genetic association.

The aim of a permutation test is to retain the design of the experiment, including any heterogeneity of variance, and to simulate y-values under the null hypothesis

In testing a null hypothesis we need a test statistic that will have different values under the null hypothesis and the alternatives we care about (eg a relative risk of diabetes). We then need to compute the sampling distribution of the test statistic when the null hypothesis is true. For some test statistics and some null hypotheses this can be done analytically. The p-value is the probability that the test statistic would be at least as extreme as we observed, if the null hypothesis is true. A permutation test gives a simple way to compute the sampling distribution for any test statistic, under the strong null hypothesis that a set of genetic variants has absolutely no effect on the outcome. It is useful when we do not know how to compute the distribution of a test statistic.

To estimate the sampling distribution of the test statistic we need many samples generated under the strong null hypothesis. If the null hypothesis is true, changing the exposure would have no effect on the outcome. By randomly shuffling the exposures we can make up as many data sets as we like. If the null hypothesis is true the shuffled data sets should look like the real data, otherwise they should look different from the real data. The ranking of the real test statistic among the shuffled test statistics gives a p-value

Permutation testing is computationally demanding for large-scale genetic association studies and requires an optimized software implementation.

Permutation provides a type-I error rate that asymptotically approaches the chosen significance level when the units being permuted are exchangeable under the null hypothesis. However, permutation is computationally intensive especially for high-throughput analyses or simulations.

One further option is to use extreme tail theory to explicitly calculate the probability of detecting a test statistic as large as or larger than the observed maximum test statistic.

Permutation testing, when performed appropriately, provides an unbiased test of the null hypothesis and is widely considered the gold standard with which other estimators and tests can be compared. Its main disadvantages are the time and computational resources required to obtain precise P value estimates, so alternative tests that provide similar results with less computational burden can be quite attractive, particularly when a large number of tests is involved or when data are frequently reanalyzed in light of new samples or genotypes. Whereas conventional distribution-based statistical tests typically require minimal computational resources, permutation tests are often employed when the asymptotic distribution of the statistic is unknown or difficult to model. However, for many of the tests commonly used in GWA studies, the asymptotic joint distribution of the test statistics is known, which makes analytical methods possible. As we show above, the asymptotic distribution of test statistics from association tests between correlated traits, markers, and models is often multivariate normal with known covariance matrix. However, the most significant test statistic from a group of multivariate normal test statistics has a distribution function that, although known, cannot be computed analytically because of the lack of a closed-form solution to the multivariate normal integral.

Permutation for CHAT

BiasedUrn (Epstein et al., 2012), a permutation procedure to adjust covariates in rare variant association test. biased urn permutation test (BiasePerm) developed for rare variants.

(See my current group presentation on this paper)

To adjust for population stratification for the C-alpha test with PCs as covariates, we used the biasedUrn sampling method [Epstein et al., 2012], which treats the PCs as modeled population substructure and permutes the data set in a way to preserve the modeled substructure under the null for association testing. That is, if the PCs completely captures the subpopulation structure, the biasedUrn method could adjust for population stratification in nonregression-based approaches, such as the C-alpha test.

In the presence of covariates, As the comparison baseline, we performed logistic regression with and without the PCs 364 as covariates, and permutation tests with a minimum of 1,000 permutations in PLINK 365 1.08 [1,3,33]. We performed a linear mixed model implementation, EMMAX, using the 366 package released on March 2007 with default parameters [4,19], and Biased Urn using 367 the R ‘BiasedUrn’ package in CRAN with recommended revisions from the paper 368 [8,10,24]. Other methods discussed are:

Permutation within cluster. This approach divides samples into clusters based on their 370 genetic similarity. In this study, the similarity was calculated as the Euclidian distance 371 using the 1st principal component. Within each cluster, we assume population 372 homogeneity and shuffle samples with uniform probability. Clusters with only case or 373 control samples are ignored. The number of clusters was chosen such that the genomic 374 control has achieved a satisfactory level

Further development: Furthermore, recently developed BiasePerm28 is based on linear combinations of PCs on logistic scale if we use PCs as covariate vector28. The relationships between trait values and PCs can be highly nonlinear and population effects cannot be corrected by simply using linear functions23. Figure 1 shows the relationships between trait values and the first two PCs of genotypes at 10,000 genomic markers in two structured populations. This figure shows that the relationships between trait values and PCs are highly nonlinear and the forms of the relationships are different in different populations. When the relationships are highly nonlinear and the forms of relationships are unknown, we should use more flexible regression methods rather than use linear regression. Nonparametric regression is a very flexible regression method and it does not require the form of regression function.

Or how about using LMM: valid permutation to assess significance in the context of dependent samples (such as with related samples or population stratification) is not straightforward. Others have explored permutation in this setting and have proposed modified permutation procedures.


  1. a nice simple blog post