Below is a list of resources that I collected from Internet when teaching myself machine learning and data science. Most of them are links to specific course websites. You may want to check different versions of the same course (i.e., offered in different academic years)

Online courses

Practical materials

R for Data Science: recommended by Dr. Kouros Owzar at Duke University (thank you very much!!). It focuses on using R package tidyverse

Course materials

Machine learning by Andrew Ng(Stanford) (also check out the Youtube playlist of this course), Tom Mitchell (CMU)(more Bayesian, highly recommend his video lectures), Thorsten Joachims (Cornell), Alex Smola(CMU)(a PhD level Introduction to Machine Learning with TA recitation), Carlos Guestrin(UW, highly recommended), and Jenn Wortman Vaughan's lecture notes on theoretical machine learning (Microsoft)

Probabilistic graphic model by Kevin Murphy, Daphne Koller(Stanford), Andreas Krause(Caltech), Unknown(UW), and (Advanced) Jeff Bilmes(UW)

Statistical and computational Genome by Jason Mezey(Cornell), Unknown(Standford), Christoph Lippert (Microsoft), and Unknown(UW)

Population genetics by Joe Felsenstein(UW)

For Fun

Poem by Bryan howie, originally from here You're Like a Monomorphic SNP [breakup letter to a geneticist] ------------------------------------------ You're like a monomorphic SNP in more ways than just one you want to be my lone allele and stop my polymorphic fun These days I am finding you quite difficult to call I think you're causing my disease but it's probably just my fault You may have been selected at some point in the past But it's too late to fix you 'cause old alleles don't last You're like a monomorphic SNP a contradiction through and through You say that I've changed since we met well perhaps you should have too I just want more clusters, baby to adorn this scattered plot I need a common risk allele which is everything you're not But wait...look there! Do I detect some heterozygous shading? Alas, no luck; just like our love your DNA's degrading



Setting Delimiters for Scanner Get a complete absolute path from where your application was initialized: System.getProperty("user.dir") Great tutorial on how to execute Java code in parallel via threads, tasks and executor services A fast way to read a huge file into memory: using memory mapping

How to add new PDF into your ipad without losing old ones

I tried the following steps mentioned in this post and it works: 1. First download "iBooks" free app from itunes 2. Add your "PDF file" into the "Library" in iTunes 3. When you try to sync it will give the above message - "will wipe all songs ...." 4. In iTunes "File" click on "Transfer purchases from your iPad" 5. You will see "Books" appear now under "Devices" 6. Drag and drop the "PDF file" from "Books" in "Library" to "Books" in "Devices" 7. Job done


MObaTextEditor will show the row # and col # of a data point if you put cursor on it.

Elicpse Java IDE

To compare two files in Eclipse, first select them in the Project Explorer with control-click. Then right-click on one of the files, and the following context menu will appear. Select Compare With / Each Other. Eclipse allows you to split an editor and move it to anywhere in the editor area in the same window, including next to the original editor. Changes made in the one editor are reflected in the other. Select Window -> Editor and then choose what you want from the menu. If you accidentally deleted a debug configuration and want it back. You can check whehter the machine you were using has backup (or snapshot) for the following folder: (path to your workspace)/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.debug.core/.launches increase the heap size available to Eclipse (during debugging, you can go to debug configuration and define arguments (tab) using the same syntax (type in the box) How to get rid of useless comments such as java decomplier line markers all at once